Call for abstract

All abstracts should be submitted online for review before June 30, 2023

Abstracts and slides should be submitted and presented in English. There is a limit of 3,000 characters for the text of your abstract submission (including title, authors, institutions and abstract body).

The material must not have been published prior to submission of the abstract or presented at any national meeting prior to the date of presentation at the CSID Annual Meeting. Simultaneous submission of the same abstract to other meetings is prohibited.

After the abstract submission deadline, all abstracts will be reviewed by the 2023 CSID Committee on Scientific Programs for each topic category. Abstracts can be programmed into the following session types:

· Plenary sessions (oral)

· Concurrent mini-symposium (oral)

· Come see my poster (oral)

· Poster Sessions

Results of acceptance will be viewed in the account and emailed to the registered email before August 1, 2023.